We drove more or less straight to Joensuu to continue well started holidays. Had to make a visit to Heinis, which still is my home crag. Very many good memories, that's where I started rock climbing.
This time I went there with Sami Koponen, who was on fire like totally, redpointing sevens in a row. This was impressive to witness. The weather was hot, I mean really hot, as the crag is facing west. Perhaps it was the heat or German diet (wurst + pilsner) or both that made me feel really insecure in leading. The thing in climbing is that it is 1/3 physical, 1/3 mental and the rest is just balls.
During my history, before climbing took the major role in my hobbyes, I used to go fly fishing. On the way back to Turku we checked couple of nice rivers. This one is called Kerman kosket. A reknown trout place. Water is crystal. Good place to spend time and relax, after all, the catch isn't the most important, because you are the one that is hooked.

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