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Boulderit ovat melko peruskamaa eli vitosen ja kutosen greidiä tarjolla. Olisiko innokkaita lähettäjiä?
Laittakaa viestiä.
Kohteet sijaitsevat:
1) Halinen (kuvat)
2) Hepokulta
3) Kärsämäki
(edit. Kuvassa Ossi F. Tyyppaa menemään puujammia!!)

Last year and this autumn I have found some new boulders in Turku. The goal is to topo them out over coming weekend. Most probably the boulders have had some climbing action during their long history, but now is the time to make a proper guide. If you are intersted to join the brushing team and top out your own boulder problems, you are most warmly welcome to join our company!
Locations are:
1) Halinen (in the pics)
2) Hepokulta
3) Kärsämäki