Laitoin kotipisteet kondikseen tiskaamalla, imuroimalla, pesemällä pyykit ja vielä huussin, kaikki tämä tunnissa! Kuittasin kahden tunnin potin ja pistin boulderruletin pyörimään. Mitäpä sitä ei tekis, että pääsis kiville.

Tässä muutama kuva muurilta. Släbit ei tuntunu kovinkaan luotettavalta, kun ei erottanu lunta mankasta. Käytiin kärsiksessä myös ja kivaa oli.
Vojtech laittaa tyylillä!
Kengät jalkaan ja släbille.
Släbillä meni lumet ja mankat sekasin,
Ilmeisesti tässä vaiheessa oli vielä paita päällä..
Jätkät lämmittää nakkejaan kilpaa. Tää ylempi kuva on mun mielestä kyllä ihan kiva. Joskus niitä sattumia tulee.
Tais tulla kuuma.
New year bouldering. It was excellent. Zero wind, only minus one degree or so. Kind of dry rock before it started to snow. Couple years ago we had a new year bouldering session out and I had kind of the feeling that this could happen again, as it did.
Do you remember the feeling after granite? The fingers and palms feel nicely coarse after two hours of bouldering. Finger tendons whisper a little, but in a good way. That is the feeling when you have climbed something, and it is good, good. I try to continue cooling down, not to climb, but it is hard. Perfect conditions twice a week, it is a crime not to climb when the weather is like this. I tell you, 6weeks of rain, from those 2-3 dry days, yes, you go nuts in that weather. Now the ground is white and lets hope that it stays.
I wish all readers, writers, climbers, friends and relatives and everybody else a really good New Year 2012!!
Don't forget to take a lot of vitamin C (=Climbing)
cu around!
Do you remember the feeling after granite? The fingers and palms feel nicely coarse after two hours of bouldering. Finger tendons whisper a little, but in a good way. That is the feeling when you have climbed something, and it is good, good. I try to continue cooling down, not to climb, but it is hard. Perfect conditions twice a week, it is a crime not to climb when the weather is like this. I tell you, 6weeks of rain, from those 2-3 dry days, yes, you go nuts in that weather. Now the ground is white and lets hope that it stays.
I wish all readers, writers, climbers, friends and relatives and everybody else a really good New Year 2012!!
Don't forget to take a lot of vitamin C (=Climbing)
cu around!
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