Climbing has been really random lately, spiced with achy joints. Fingers get slowly better, but I think that the best remedy would be just climbing out. If I could just choose, I would climb 1hour limestone, 1h granite and 1hour coarse sandstone every day, just to vary the stress for the joints.
The thing is, several of the climbing holds are planned to be ergonomic, but in general they are just blobs in the plane level (the indoor wall) and more or less the same shape and size. Whereas outdoors the hold variation is unlimited. This is the thing that my fingers miss the most at the moment, better variation. And I believe that most of the finnish (and/or nordic) climbers share this feeling. Yes yes, go for a climbing trip to Spain, of course, I get the point, but it isn't the same. Me and my fingers want to climb all the rock types all the time, not just for two weeks in a row.
Last Friday was my 4th time to Salmisaari. I really like the place. Really well made routes. Good job! Here in the pic, a person that I don't know, is leading the same route I tried three days later. Apparently I am getting rusty, cos had to hangdog this 5c!!:D Celavie! That was the orange one, kind of slab, little kinky, but good. Well made route JS.
Good story. Thanks for that. voi voi voita