I mean the weather! It couldn't have been any better on last saturday!! The morning was kind of cool, minus seven degrees, so we decided to check one previously scouted small spot in Kuusisto. We knew that it would be warmest conditions at this kind of sunny wall for sure. We call it the Crown of Kuusisto, Kuusiston Kruunu.
This was my first time bouldering out in January:) Managed to flash some easy slabs, which isn't my strongest deal, but enjoyed it for the fullest. Just waiting for the next dry and sunny day, then out again:) perhaps next monday?!?!
Thanks henkka for the good pix!§:)
Kustavin kruunu, kevätmesta. Släbää. Kivaa sellasta. Pitää tehä topo jossain vaiheessa. Jos muistan oikein, ni siellä ei oo mitään tiukkaa, enemmän viilistelygreidiä.
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