Last month was climbfully alright, alot of new experiences and acquantainces, and of course quite a bit of travelling. After Berlin it was time to head for Geta in Åland in Finnish archipelago to admire its beauty. And it was incredible. Everything from roofs to crimpy slabs, seaside boulders to high balls and walls! Also the nature and the access is nice. Some might think that 2-4km is a lot for an access, but the path goes trough various landscapes, relaxing views over the sea.
As we were wandering for the first time to Grottan it started to rain. But hey, all the roofs were dry!! Power climbing:D I felt unprepared for the roofs, but it was fun and something fresh. Jusa got really psyched about Voodoo 7a, almost managing it. Luckily my old forearm injury didn't mind too much about the powerful moves, actually quite opposite, and this made me also glad. I feel that there is a chance to get back on the track still this summer somehow. Carefully, carefully.. Patience, patience..
Spotters ahoy! F-F-F-Falling from the Puerto rico 6c.
Ville E. hanging by the skin of the theet, Hammas 7a+
2009-05-31 @ 18:00
Geta on hieno paikka. Beettaa on ammennettu sieltä kaks kertaa, joten polut alkaa tulla tutuiksi jo tässä vaiheessa. Jopa muutama uusi tuttu on lisätty feisbuukkiin. Tähän kuvaan kyllä tiivistyy aika paljon: Päivä kiivetty, eväät syöty, nahkat lähteny, aurinko laskee, takas kämpille grillaamaan ja maisema.
Siis jos jokin on hienoa, niin se on kiivetä boulderia aivan veden äärellä. Siinä on kaikki elementit.
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