Above Jussi heading to boulders week ago here in Turku:) Jussi lähetti kaikki reitit onsaitilla tai flässillä, vui vattu, onse kyllä äijä! Viikonlopun parhaat tais olla Bouldernisti 7a ja Mehiläinen 6c:) HSV!!!
Below the Dome Church. We crossed it on the way home after spotlight bouldering.
Yesterday we were running (or scrambling as we call it:) in Parainen forests, Ålö island, looking for new climbing places. We found something, but no jewels this time, shame. Alot of slab, shrubby hills and mossy scrambles.. Below Laurizio living the moment of sunset over the baltic sea. 2008-10-24 @ 21:34
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