Last week bouldering in Pallivaha (Ballwax). Yes, really funny name for a place§:D There are three blocks, route amount sth like (20?), good warmups as well as some enjoyable sevens. In the picture below Lauri browsing through the moves:) I'm little waiting for the official(?) topo for Pallivaha, that would be nice. In the picture you see the long horisontal crack, thats a nice and easy traverse.

You know the story, call to all of your climber buddies and none of them answers, so have to go alone then. Yesterday explored Vätti by bike. It was only 15minutes ride from the center, and guess how people stare at you while biking with the pad, oh yes. Probably they think that guy is homeless and carrying the sleeping couch or sth.. well i dont care:)
Anyway, Vätti is a small place 10 routes or so. It is hidden in a small forest and facing south-west, the evening sun makes the colours rich and wonderful. I had luck with the route Waltari 6a, onsighted it, which was my goal for yesterday, just one route. I also thought about wearing a helmet while bouldering alone next time. I know that it looks stupid, but so far the forest animals haven't been so much use as spotters. (August 14th 2008)
Actually there is now a topo of pallivaha.Thanks to Elias! www.kruxi.fi
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Nää värit sekoilee.. älä kysy.
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