Rocksimulator 6. Pretty many walls built in two years. Great hobby anyway;) and neighbours like it (the drilling noise) I bet. But is it so good after all to have a wall? Is it necessary? Does it give me more street credibility?
So far my experiences about home wall building is that the mission is some times to built it better and better, not climb it to become better and better.. It's good for parties when all of your friends are climbers (at least after the party they are;) u know how climbers start to behave little drunk, hehe§:D Otherwise it's the furniture that they attack on. Tables, chairs, cars, you name it, anything goes for hardcore bouldernists!
If you are planning to make a home wall, make it as overhanging as possible, naturally depending little of the training needs. Buy or prefer small holds, because you can stuck them more on a small wall (efficiency). Even though cool big shapes and slopers would be perhaps tastier, but they cost alot more. Indeed, home wall is very good for placing more complex finger- and campusboards. One more thing is that you can use your feet, and that's what makes the climbing feeling even on a small piece of wall.
In the end I think that it's better to go to a proper climbing gym, if you want results, and not starting to fix a small wall. I learned, that it takes quite alot of time to build and maintain it, but on the good side it's totally own and always aviable.
So far my experiences about home wall building is that the mission is some times to built it better and better, not climb it to become better and better.. It's good for parties when all of your friends are climbers (at least after the party they are;) u know how climbers start to behave little drunk, hehe§:D Otherwise it's the furniture that they attack on. Tables, chairs, cars, you name it, anything goes for hardcore bouldernists!

Hmmmm... which hold doesnt really belong there ? ? ?
deckerrrrrrr rrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr.....
This time the RS is a free standing model, so it doesn't leave a trace in the house walls or floor, clever.
This time the RS is a free standing model, so it doesn't leave a trace in the house walls or floor, clever.
2008-11-17 @ 20:05
Noniin, eli seinää alettiin heti rakentamaan, kun muutettiin uuteen kämppään. Taas. En ole varma kumpi vetää voiton Beastmakeri vai Entreprisen jees-sormilauta. Ittelläni on E-lauta, mutta kaikilla kavereilla, joilla on BM, tuntuu se greidi karkaavan ihan jonnekki ihan muihin sfääreihin. Elmeri paukuttaa poketteja ja slouppeja jokaisella kahvi- ja lounastauolla duunissa ja VOIMAAAAAA!!! tulee. Jusa syö aamupalaksi munakkaita samalla ku roikkuu 2000 ykkösnivelen poketissa, voiko niin olla, ihmettelen. Ps. on muuten kestävä tuo Bdekkeri, voin suositella. Pari kertaa maailman ympäriporattu.
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