
Memories from the archives 18 "takatukat"

Climbing films on big screen, perfect! The Reel Rock Film Tour in Helsinki Boulderkeskus was sold days before the event. I had reserved my ticket in time from Camu luckily:) There had been qualifications for the dyno competition, but i missed the starting thanks to VR for delaying the train!!
People sat down. First we had climbing short films and finally the Sharp End by Senderfilms. It was all about how it is in the sharp end, how is it when climbers committedly keep on pushing the limits further and further. In my considerartion the best part was definitely climbing in the sandstone spires in the Czech Republic. Barefoot group soloing, jumping from tower to tower, leading routes only protected by slings and thread and no chalk!! CRAZY!! Sure accidents happen!
I want to see that legendary Czech place with my own eyes. I think that climbing without chalk isn't so so bad if the weather isn't very hot, actually it makes climbing faster when you dont stop dipping your fingers in the chalk bag to every hold, but the sling/knot protection.. dont know about that:)
Thanks to the people who organised this event, it was great, enjoyed alot! (2002 sept. 14th)

Tää oli varmaan eka iiventti mihin tuli mentyä ja olihan se siistiä, ei siinä mitään. Jotenki tulee mieleen, että tällästen tapahtumien merkitys on suurempi kuin antais olettaa. Tapahtumat jää mieleen,ehkä siinä on se ero. Muuten reeni on vaan basic rääkkiä seinällä ja fingerboordia. Ja jos muistat oman takatukkasi vuodelta 2008, saatat tunnistaa itsesi kuvista;)

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