
Power animals from archives 39

Rain, cold, wet. We gave our heat to the luolavuori boulders last weekend. Among the rocks we found the power animal that keeps us going on no matter what. Below are pics from the sessions. I feel that bouldering is little stiff when it gets colder, but effort makes the topping reward higher. Have to say, I got kicks when I could top out something and just stick to the rrrrock. Climbing kicks dont come too often you know, wonder whats the reason for it? Do we take things too granted? Is the harder grade only reason to climb? Anyway, the reward is one of the highest ways to keep motivated. Motivation is The key and too often these keys are lost. Luckily power animal can help, find it.

My training otherwise has been only building the pyramide, running on the wall indoors. I got also my friends inspired to aim for longer distances for the flow, which was kind of a miracle somehow. Alot of moves, alot of meters. My aim is to shoot 300-500meters per session. 1000m would be nice, but it seems too far yet for one session. Perhaps during one week, let's try. 2009-12-07 @ 22:03

Näköjään syksyset kelit koitti myös vuonna 2009.

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