I wrote about Rollo climbing the last time July 29th 2008:
The formula for best climbing is good boulders, great weather and best friends. That's how things went down last weekend:) My old mates came from Joensuu to test what the Hiidenkirnut had to offer. Here are the best shots from the set. Thanks Kleme and Henkka for the visit, meant alot to me, and Juzzi try to stay in shape for the next round..ok?

Henri P. (aka Pikku-Henkka) shooting 6b dynoroute at Kalamies. Below Kleme and Henkka sinking their teeth to granite, best time ever!
Above Henkka sending an overhaning 7a route at the Rotanloukku.
Jätkät istuu pyramidin päällä. Se klassikko jäi mieleen kyllä hyvin, pitäis tulla ens kesänä kyllä käymään Rollossa.. hmm. Vieläkö on Lapin topoa saatavilla?
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