Looking back in time, it feels little funny to remember that I went bouldering even during my move from Rollo.
While driving trough Finland last week, I found a fine piece of rock close to Uusikaarlepyy/Alahärmä (coordinates KKJ peruskoordinaatisto N 7035605 E 2430976). There had been a forest clearcut and the rock was visible, quick U-turn and shoes on. Other people spend their breaks on gas stations while long roadtrips, but I thought to refresh in a another way after multiple hours of driving alone. My curiosity won and established (perhaps?) the first route on that boulder. Muuttokivi and boulderbreak 5b/6a?.
Darling you go climbing on every possible occassion!! during moving from Rollo to Turku, on the way picking up people from the airport and your own new-years-eve-party......:) I think it´s quite hilarious that you think it´s funny ;)
Darling you go climbing on every possible occassion!! during moving from Rollo to Turku, on the way picking up people from the airport and your own new-years-eve-party......:) I think it´s quite hilarious that you think it´s funny ;)